Tuesday 5 April 2011

Been too exhausted to blog lately. My little cherub has been battling colds for the last 2 months so I have a huge backlog of sleepless nights that are taking thier toll. I am finding out what being a parent is all about, and also that I am not made of very tough stuff!

It's amazing the things you learn about yourself as a 'parent' as time progresses. I had no idea, and gave no thought to the idea of what kind of parent I would be before I became one. I had vague ideas like the fact that co-sleeping was something that hippies with flowers in thier hair did and that surely it must be dangerous, and that sometimes baby just should be left to cry. I agreed with the author when I read it in a book that babies must learn to be independent. I also clearly remember the first time I heard of someone who would only feed thier kids organic food. That's RIDICULOUS I guffawed as I pictured thier pale neurotic upper middle class faces creased with worry lines every time thier child was exposed to any kind of unnatural substance. Yes- I was well and truly judgemental and clueless.

Now, 8 months later I have a few confessions to make.
1. co-sleeping is great. It saves getting up out of bed, is a great bonding experience and nothing beats your child waking up with a big smile because the first thing they see is mummy's face. Well..ok it's great in moderation but I'm glad I didn't steer clear of it altogether, I would have missed some very precious moments.
2. I cannot think of anything worse than leaving my baby to cry. I'm not saying I judge people who do this, I just knew as soon as he started skawking for the very first time I had to do anything and everything in my power to stop his little heart from breaking. This has probably cost me countless hours of precious sleep and a fair bit of judgement from others. At first I thought I was weak for not being able to put my hard hat on and let him get on with it. Now that I look back I am so glad that I stuck to this through thick and thin as I know it was the right decision for us, regardless of what popular opinion might exist in today's culture. Part of me still thinks I am quite pathetic for thinking this way, and the other part things that maybe I am actually a wee bit tough and quite selfless, which I like.
3.  OK...this one is hardest for me to admit. I am terrified of feeding my baby non-organic food. (I am physically cringing as I write this.) This is quite a dilemma for me. It makes me feel like a total outsider and I'll tell you why. Basically I am ashamed of this fact, I want to be a cool casual mother that throws any kind of food in the direction of thier child. Instead, I am sad to discover, I am an uptight neurotic mum who overthinks every meal time decision. In admitting this I feel like I am alienating parents who are in the non-organic camp, as I know they will think I am ridiculous. At the same time I feel I alienate the 'organic' camp residents as I am really too embaressed to accept them as my kind. I wish somehow I could find some happy casual middle ground where everyone could still like me, but I don't see that happening!

I can't help but feel that every decision I make of what goes in the little ones mouth could dictate his future. What if I can delay or speed up the onset of cancer? what if he develops asthma and I could have prevented it by choosing his foods more carefully. It is a terrible weight on my shoulders. The more I research the more confused I get and the list is endless. Avoid starch, avoid BPA, avoid pasteurised milk, feed them raw liver one lady even crows on her website (don't worry- that's just flat out disgusting and I wouldn't even consider it)- oops there I go with the judging again).

I guess at every point in a parents journey you have to realise that you can't save your child from everything so at some stage I will stop trying. For now, however, I am clinging onto the false hope that I can prevent anything bad ever happening to him, if I just feed him right, don't let him watch TV and cuddle him when he cries. I know of course deep down this is silly but be gentle on me, I'm only new at this.


  1. Don't think of it as organic, just "anti pesticide" and "anti toxins." Our modern environment is toxic soup, and much more so for infants so good on ya for taking care.

  2. This was hilarious. Great one Nic.
