Monday 28 March 2011

great expectations

My plan was to write about some sort of serious issue or topic today, like the importance of realistic expectations or something equally thought provoking. However whilst getting dressed this morning (at 10am, other mum's will understand) I realised that something far more important needed to be brought up.

The Perfect Track Pants.

Yes, this one is mainly for the girls (or perhaps I am the only one with this dilemma in which case both genders will be bored by my 'issue' )

I have many things in life that I am perfectly happy with. One thing however that eludes me is the perfect pair of track pants. Or 'sweats' I believe the Americano's call them. Today is a perfect day for wearing track pants. An autumn chill is in the air, I'm not planning to leave the house, and I was up quite a bit last night so need my creature comforts today.

Some people seem to find this holy grail of the clothing version of comfort eating, things like hot chips and cottage pie. They emerge wearing thier 'PTP's' (Perfect Pair of Track Pants) looking relaxed, happy and most of all good.  Some even look athletic or slim. The worst ones even manage to somehow look sexy. How is this possible, I wonder. Whenever I go shopping for PTP's my reflection resembles something akin to a womble crossed with an oompa loompa rather than the athletic greek godess I hope I might find when peering in the mirror. And I'm not saying I'm fat, or completely unathletic- it's just that the track pants I do seem to find really don't seem to do me any favours.

Perhaps, part of my problem is that (and those who know me will testify to this) I refuse to buy anything at full price. If it's not more than 30% off I'm not buying it. Maybe all the PTP's get snapped up before they ever make it to the sale racks. I currently own one pair of attempted 'PTP's'. They were less than half price. This, on reflection, could be the reason they have stretched so much they hang off me making my butt look Extremely Saggy and are an odd shade of green that I feel slightly ashamed of if I ever brave going in public once donning them.

As I process this I realize that maybe today's topic is about realistic expectations. Should I manage my expectations about the discovery of my longed for PTP's? But what would solve the issue? Is it the price bracket I am looking in? or being realistic about the shape that God has blessed me with? (well not entirely God, I think chocolate also deserves some credit)

Maybe I need to completely blow the budget one day and then I may find true happiness on those days you just need something warm and comfy on. Or I could desert my quest and continue wearing jeans. Either way I now realise my expectations need some sort of managing to lower my levels of dissatisfaction.

And now, just to remind me that far more important things do exist in my universe my baby is crying and it's time to take my saggy, oddly green lower half down the stairs to give him a cuddle. At least he doesn't care what I look like!

Sunday 27 March 2011

well here it is

I've never thought of myself as being able to write anything of interest, or anything that could possibly keep people entertained. But, here I am writing my first blog. So...what should it be about. Don't bloggers just write about themselves? Not having read many blogs I don't know, but perhaps if I start with that I will think of something else!

So what shall I tell you? I'm 31 live in Tauranga New Zealand. Married with one son- 7 months old. Being a mum basically dominates my life at the moment and for breif moments I wish it didn't, so perhaps occasionally I will try proving on here that once, many sleepless nights ago I did have a life that did not revolve around bottles, dirty nappies, sloppy kisses, walks to the park and moments you wish you could capture in a jar and keep forever. (and that maybe at some stage my brain did function in a somewhat normal manner)

We've just bought a tiny little house that is a great do-up project. We call it 'great' and 'exciting' as we are yet to move into it. Perhaps in a couple of months, when we are in the thick of renovations, we won't be using such positive terminology but for now we are thrilled.

And the reason I've started this blog? Well sitting at home sometimes can be a tiny bit mind numbing so it's something new for me to try, get my brain cells ticking over in a way they havent done before. Any mum's at home identify? Now before I sound all too negative I must say I am wonderfully blessed with my family and all the things in my life. But life can always be richer so perhaps by seizing the day and writing this blog I will find something new to explore and enjoy. I've always been a fan of the saying carpe diem, so this is my attempt at doing just that :)

You're welcome to come on the journey with me...