Wednesday, 6 July 2011

how to get a. drink tea and b. get fit (in my world)

How to drink a cup of tea
a. get up, caffiene headache already biting at the bit ready to strike at any moment.
b. at first opportunity head to kitchen
c. turn on kettle
d. get distracted
e. 20 minutes later check water temperature. obviously too cold.
f. turn kettle back on
g. get distracted again, then check water temperature. obviously too cold but must have tea!!
h. get one mug, one teabag, add water
i. get distracted
j. remove drowning tea bag from overstewed tea
k. get distracted
l. add milk
m. hmmmm first tea of the day, take one sip
n. get distracted
o. come back to ice cold tea
p. warm in microwave
q. remove disgusting skin off top of tea
r. burn tongue on too hot tea
s. leave to cool
t. of course....get distracted
u. come back to cold tea
v. knock it back
u. vow to do it better next time
w. repeat, ad infinitum

How to get fit:
1. decide to go for a walk in decidedly dodgy weather
2. don walking clothes and 11kg child in backpack
3. walk to beach
4. at furthest point away from house take note of large black cloud looming
5. turn and walk at increased pace toward home
6. for added heart rate increase think about how terrible you are for leaving home without suitable rain coverage for baby
7. continue charging toward home whilst rain starts
8. note people watching you expose your baby to the elements for added heart rate increase.
9. start a light jog (heavy baby still on back) towards average tree coverings
10. Rest- wait 10 minutes for now torrential rain to pass
11. Walk home at a light pace to recover.

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