Sunday, 8 May 2011

Things I now know

A lot has changed for me in the last 9 months and my first mothers day has found me reflective and content. Becoming a mum is about the steepest learning curve I can imagine so I thought I would share with you a few things I've learnt since August the 14th 2010...

1. Epidurals are a gift straight from heaven that can be welcomed with open arms. I think I may have proposed to my anaethetist had she not been a woman after receiving one.
2. The first few days of having a newborn is the most ridiculously amazing rollercoaster of emotions from total elation to the very depths of despair, the heights of stress to the deepest feelings of love- there can be nothing else in the human experience quite like it.
3. You can get so tired that your brain can't figure out what goes in a ham and cheese sandwich.
4. Dressing and changing a baby is indeed, as the funny email that circulated pointed out, like trying to tie an octupus up in a string bag. They forgot to mention the octupus is somehow turbo charged and shouts a lot whilst being 'stuffed' into aforementioned string bag.
5. You can grow to love a caesarian scar. The more I love my little boy, the more I love my scar. Without it I never may have had the joy of getting to know him and I am so greatful to live in a place where modern medicine is so easily accessed.
6. Having a baby does not completely ruin your life. I vividly remember sobbing into the kitchen counter thinking that I had totally and utterly ruined my life several weeks in to my mothering experience. Everyone told me it would get better but I was convinced my baby was the only one that would stay this difficult forever. I was wrong, it does get better, waaaaay better. Thank goodness!
7. It's hard giving up some of the things you love. Especially when, in return, you get to pack and unpack the dishwasher about 300 times a week, do 20 loads of washing and constantly be cleaning only to be still surrounded in mess.
8. I've also learnt, thanks to a great article I read, not to focus on the menial tasks that you repeat ad infinitum as a mum, like dealing with the dishes and the laundry, but to keep your eyes on the big picture. We are building cathedrals, not just chipping away making a block of stone.
9. Even when you think nice thoughts about building cathedrals you can still feel like throwing the dishes in the bin and screaming at the thought of packing and unpacking the dishwasher one more time.
10. I could not be the mum I am if it weren't for an amazing husband, incredibly supportive family and a fantastic circle of mummies around me. They have cheered me on, cooked me meals, given me advice when I've needed it and made me laugh when I've been down. I don't take them for granted for a second and I owe them a huge amount of thanks.
11. Trust your instincts. Even if people around you tell you otherwise, you know best!  (despite feeling like you don't have a flippin clue half the time)
12. You can love someone an embarressingly enourmous amount. If I had to throw myself in front of a bus to save my son I would do it in a heartbeat, no hesitation. If I had to unpack a dishwasher 500 times...well that might be a different story ;)

Happy mother's day all you other mummies out there x


  1. You rock Nic! Reading your blog while sitting in my messy lounge makes me feel so much better, I'm going to go and have a cuppa and stay in the mess for a little bit longer. I don't know how many times I have tidied today! Thank you for your honesty!xx

  2. Hi Nic. I like what you said about

    "We are building cathedrals, not just chipping away making a block of stone."

    So true! Keep up the good work - of mothering and of blogging!
